Mellykat's Blog!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So Horking Sick

OMG I was so bloody sick after I wrote my blog last night. I started to feel lightheaded and dizzy and then nauseous (nauseated?). Anyhoo, I puked out all my internal organs along with everything I ate. Everything was spinning. It was like I had gone on a big bender without the pleasant euphoric feeling. When I would throw up things would settle a little but each time I woke up things would be a-spinnin' again.

By morning, after a few trips to the bathroom and Cooper feedings, I felt much better, with just a mild headache. I had a pretty good day. I couldn't get a walk-in appointment at the clinic, so I got my friend at work to check my BP and it was normal. Dunno what the heck was up with that. Was it something I ate or am I so extremely tired that my body got mad at me?

So this evening after work Chris went fishing with the guys from work so I took a drive with Carter and Cooper out to Cindy's house. But she wasn't there. It's her last few days before the closing date on the sale of her house so she's madly moving last minute stuff. So we drove there to say hi and Carter and Cooper had both fallen asleep. Then we stopped by Mom & Dad's house since it's in the 'hood and had a little visit. Carter was so tired because he hadn't napped today. So he slept about an hour in our travels and now the little night owl is still up. I had planned to go to bed early tonight but I can't shut off my brain now.

This weekend is going to be a busy one...Chris's cousin's wedding, Cindy and the family going camping (Auntie Lurdes & Uncle Cliff, and Uncle Bob & Auntie Josie too) so we want to visit them at some point. Plus I want Carter to see the Canada Day fireworks...(they're actually for me; it's just coincidence that it's Canada Day too...LOL) So we'll be running around like crazy on the weekend. Luckily Chris has both Saturday and Monday off so it should be a fun long-weekend. In the meantime I'm going to try to go and get some sleep. I was already gone to bed a while ago but of course Cooper wanted to have a moment of my time so I nursed him back to sleep. Carter MUST be sleeping by now; I'm going to check.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it will add more substance to my illness, if i could write about it that way that you do... ah next time... maybe I will just copy and paste yours and tell people to change the
glad you were better enough to appear on your blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:55:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love that you used the word "horking" because that's one of my favorite alternate terms for puking.

Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:46:00 a.m.  

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