Mellykat's Blog!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

A New Cousin

Friday evening we went to Auntie Lurdes & Uncle Cliff's house for my Godson Graeme's 3rd birthday. Roberta and the kids were in town this past week. The kids had a blast playing together. I will insert pictures in this blog post but not tonight. I've gone and stayed up way past my bedtime.

Saturday was a quiet lazy day. I even managed to squeeze in a nap while both boys slept. We had pizza for supper and I rented a few movies. Three kids' cartoons Carter hasn't seen and the movie "Zodiac" which I just realized is due back tomorrow night and we still haven't watched it. ::Sigh::

The weather has been stupendous this whole past week. Well, ever since we returned to work from our vacation time. Today I did a little laundry and we headed out to Mom & Dad's for supper. We got to meet our 4th cousin Kent, whose parents and mine traced each other through the family tree. Kent is in the area fighting forest fires and spent his weekend off staying with my parents.

Cindy and her family went too and everyone had a great visit. Chris took Carter fishing for awhile in the afternoon and Carter spent much of the day in the water. He has NO fear, which of course gives me fear.

Mom cooked an outstanding turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Cindy and I each brought a salad - her broccoli/cauliflower salad with cheese, sunflower seeds, raisins (that I pick out), and my oriental salad with coleslaw, homemade oriental dressing, ichiban noodles and toasted slivered almonds.

There was pie for dessert - two varieties; apple and blueberry which I was too full to even consider. I did opt for a very delicious frozen ice/coffee/ice cream/Bailey's drink that Cindy whipped up with the blender. Yum.

Carter wore himself out with all the swimming and other activities of the day and fell asleep on Chris. I fished on the dock with Noah for awhile but I didn't catch anything. He had caught a couple fish earlier (again, I have pictures but I will post them in here tomorrow).

We came home and Carter stayed asleep the whole time and Chris chucked him in his bed. I did the same with Cooper who had fallen asleep on the way home, but he got up for awhile. He had some warm milk and a banana and snuggled back down to sleep.

I chatted with my Amazing Digiscrapping Race partner Vicky and we completed our Challenge #4 layouts. Here is mine...we had to use the letter "G" - it had to be prominent in the layout and we had to use the word "goal".

ADSR Challenge #4

Here are a couple other pages I worked on this weekend. One for LaWanna's creative team and one for Nina's. I used the latest kit for each designer.

Big Shoes to Fill - "Hello Sunshine" kit by LaWanna Desjardin

My new favourite layout using Nina's "It's a Boy Thing" kit


Blogger Angie said...

WOW. . .that new one of Cooper - with the Nina kit - is breathtaking.

That's one to print and frame!!!

Monday, July 30, 2007 1:40:00 p.m.  
Blogger Helen said...

You are so versatile the new LOs....they got me gasping louder and louder as I went! You are good! But the imaging of Cooper on the last one...perfection!

Monday, July 30, 2007 10:41:00 p.m.  

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