Mellykat's Blog!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Parentally Accepted Target

Yesterday Chris worked later than usual since they were working on inventory. They must have really hauled ass because he was home at one-thirty. I didn't expect him home for many hours after that. Carter was having his usual pooping standoff since Friday night when he first started exhibiting symptoms of needing to go. He fights it as long as possible, but the new me doesn't let him have a pull-up anymore. The only option is the toilet now. It's not pleasant, but it's working. A few skidmarks won't kill me.

Everyone napped in the afternoon. That was delish. After we all got up from napping I went to the grocery store to pick up hamburger buns. The hamburger buns were about thirty-six bucks. Next I did a quick Wal-Mart run for peanut butter and snacks, which were about seventy-nine bucks. Yikes. Of course I strayed from my mental list that I had made, but I shouldn't need to go to the store for the rest of the week. When I got home Carter had finally pooped on the toilet, unlike his little brother who had missed the 'parentally accepted target'. (Thanks to Jennifer's Facebook message for inspiring today's post title!)

We had barbecued hamburgers for supper. I love barbecuing so much; minimal mess and Chris goes outside to do the grilling. I mean, I love to grill, but hey, if it's a way to get my husband to cook I'm all for it! In the evening the internet connection was wonky again. Seems as soon as the sun drops over the horizon, which is getting so early already, the internet connection goes out the window.

Carter was asleep by nine. Cooper was still up for at least another hour; his marathon nap was the direct reason for the late bedtime. And I went to bed around eleven I think, but couldn't sleep right away and resorted to my Sudoku book to make me sleepy.

This morning Chris went fishing bright (er...still dark) and early. Getting an early start so he can be home early too, so he says! I'm going to try to tackle some more basement-dwelling junk again and get everything ready for Carter's next day of school.


Blogger Angie said...

Hey girlie!

It sounds like a wonderful Sunday!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007 8:53:00 p.m.  
Blogger Angie said...


Monday, September 17, 2007 10:18:00 p.m.  
Blogger Angie said...

DUDE. . .that part about missing you? It was serious.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 1:49:00 p.m.  

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