Mellykat's Blog!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I now am remembering to mention I took the kids in for flu shots this past week. I figured Carter would weather it well, and I went in with him. He watched the needle go in and didn't squirm a bit. I was more concerned for Cooper, who, while in the waiting room was exclaiming he didn't want a ''flu shack.'' I got one of my coworkers to go in with him and the nurse. He came out happy, and after only a few minutes was saying his flu shot was all gone. Neither of the two complained a bit later on either, which was fantastic. I had given them some Tylenol just before the shot in case of any fever or pain.

Carter was drowsy around suppertime, much like usual, and dozed off for awhile. Cooper, very much out of character and routine, also fell asleep just after suppertime, around six-thirty. I thought about waking him, but didn't bother, hoping he would get a good stretch of sleep in before getting up. Silly me. He was up at eleven and READY TO PAR-TAY. Carter woke up at some point earlier, and ended up still awake by the time Cooper got up, right around the time I was heading for bed.

Cooper ended up keeping me up for a few hours. I remember being exasperated around two-thirty. I attempted to remain calm and tried to soothe and cuddle him so that I could go to sleep too. So sometime likely around three or three-thirty I may have fallen asleep, only to have to get up for work. And I have yet to figure out this phenomenon, but regardless of how much or little Cooper sleeps, he still manages to get up and wake me about a half hour before my alarm clock is scheduled to sound.

Today was another good IT day. I'm averaging four computers a day with all the upgrades and maintenance I need to do on each one. There is a little time in between for a quick coffee break or to check in on my other job to see if I need to do anything. Usually I don't need to, because Diane, who used to do my job, is right back on top of things and is keeping the ship running very smoothly! I'm betting the staff I support is wishing they could keep her because she is so organized.

Tonight we planned to go to Bingo. Mom changed her mind and didn't join us. Kelly won twice, which rocked, and we got to split $172, which was a nice change from my most recent wins that were split so many times before we even received the winnings.

I came home and both kids apparently had a great evening and were snuggled in their beds asleep. So I'm up later than I should be, and I'm off to try to grab six hours of sleep if I can pull it off before those little early birds come after me!


Blogger Amy Eileen said...

Flu shack! LOL Kids are adorable, arent they!

Friday, November 21, 2008 10:54:00 a.m.  

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