Mellykat's Blog!

Friday, November 07, 2008

An Accidental Addiction

At long last. It is Friday. I am emitting a lengthy sigh of relief. It's been a very busy week at work. 'Tis flu season, and with the regular onslaught of phone calls for everything else, everyone wants to come in for a flu shot. Or a hearing test. Crikey. I need a headset for weeks like these. Sure makes for a quick workweek though!

On Wednesday, Mom and Dad returned from a two-week trip down east. They traveled back through the U.S. I was hoping for a Bingo date and with Mom barely home yet and Kelly gone, I thought my chances were slim. But Mom was game for it so we planned to go. She wasn't even unpacked yet and I was picking her up for Bingo. On my way I called Cindy to ask her what Mom would like from Starbucks. Cindy is the purveyor of Starbucks products and since our Starbucks is brand new, I sought out her advice. She advised me to get Mom a venti caramel frappuccino. I am not a big fan of iced coffee drinks, though I have been known to have an occasional ice capp from Tim Horton's. I'm not thrilled with how the liquid goes first and I'm left with colourless, flavourless slush.

So I arrived to pick up Mom with this gorgeous-looking beverage, garnished with swirly whipped cream and caramel drizzle. Unfortunately, she had just polished off a pint of Haagen-Dasz ice cream and was not the least bit interested in my frosty treat. I tried to pawn it off on Dad and he was going to put it in the freezer. I thought that might ruin it so I decided to take it and try it so that it wouldn't go to waste. BIG MISTAKE. HUGE. It was delicious. And freaking huge. It lasted me through half our evening out at Bingo. We didn't win anything, but we had a good time, particularly with my delightful refreshment to enjoy.

I barely recall much from yesterday. The workday whizzed by, and I had a brief visit with Chris at lunchtime. It's absolutely NUTS at the tire shop these days too, with the weather turning for the season. The guys barely have time to stop for a pee, letalone a bite to eat. So let this be your reminder to get those snow tires on! (No Angie, not you. Please disregard that last statement.)

Today I had a quick lunch with a couple girls from work before I took Carter to school. I picked him up a little later than usual, so I did a quick drop off once I walked him into his classroom. I was weighing the time I had left before I had to return to work to decide if I was going to go get a coffee at Tim Horton's or if I was going to attempt a quick run to Starbucks. I opted for Starbucks, and had three people to wait behind. A familiar face greeted me and took my order for a grande (not a venti this time) caramel frappuccino. I raced back to work and positioned myself for a busy afternoon, fueled by caffeine and sugar. Yummy!

I picked up the boys and we came home. I left Carter home with Chris and took Cooper to do some much-needed grocery shopping, including the much-needed movie, Kung-Fu Panda. Only moments after I arrived home and started unpacking groceries and preparing frozen pizza, Carter fell asleep. He totally missed supper and the movie. Cooper was too distracted by other things to be interested in the movie. We had gone to see it at the drive-in theatre this summer, but I think I was the only one who stayed awake. However, I'm pretty sure we'll be playing this movie repeatedly in the very near future.

Surprisingly, early enough in the evening all three of my boys were asleep. Cooper was the one who surprised me the most, crawling up beside me on the couch and promptly zonking out. He usually has a grumpy time before he falls asleep. I had given him a drink of milk and played solely with him since Carter went to sleep so early. So I figure this was his reason for so contently going to sleep. I started watching old movie reruns on TV and was freezing cold. I grabbed the laptop and headed for my cozy blankets. I started a few scrapbook pages, none of which I have yet successfully finished, and did plenty of chatting and catching up with Marsha, which was great. She has only six weeks to go until her baby arrives! I would sure like to be there for the grand event but I hope to at least get out there for a visit before he/she starts school. ::sigh::

I'll try to finish up a couple scrapbook pages this weekend and get something posted soon.


Blogger Angie said...

SNOW TIRES?!?!? Do people in TN even HAVE such things? I do not know.

But, no, it's definitely not snow tire weather here, yet.

Saturday, November 08, 2008 6:22:00 p.m.  
Blogger Angie said...

Okay. . so I went to this reading seminar today (I'll be blogging about this later) and the presenter was from Toronto, I believe.

SHE TOTALLY LOOKED AND SOUNDED LIKE YOU!!!! And it made me so homesick to talk to you!

Sunday, November 09, 2008 11:25:00 p.m.  

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