Mellykat's Blog!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Magic Playpen

Wow. I slept about seven and a half hours last night. This is good practice for when I go back to work. Soon. Yikes. I actually got up slightly before Cooper this morning, like about four seconds. I came out to the living room to find him just standing up in the playpen smiling at me. Sweeeeeeet.

Here as I mentioned, is a cyuuute little video of Cooper playing "peek-a-boo"...with a laugh track courtesy of my Mom & Dad and Chris and me...and Chris's foot is the one in the picture...

So this morning I made toast for the boys and gave Cooper his cereal. I did a bunch more sorting of clothes and a few loads of laundry today. Chris was off work so it was much easier with some help in the kid wrangling department.

For lunch I made hotdogs and chicken noodle soup for the boys. Cooper ate half a wiener...I was amazed! I cut it lengthwise twice, then into little morsels that he ate like candy. He ate a few spoonsful of soup too. Then he was done. Cooper seems to be done eating when he starts spitting food. It's happened a few times anyway. Chris's brother Jason & his girlfriend Claire came to visit this afternoon.

For supper I made spaghetti with homemade sauce again. But oops, instead of buying diced tomatoes like usual, I realized the last time I shopped I bought crushed tomatoes. So instead of adding nice chunks of tomato to the sauce, it was like adding more tomato sauce to the sauce. Oh well, it turned out fine. I made some garlic toast too. I let Cooper go at the spaghetti on his own. He devoured as much as he could grab and stuff in his mouth. Here are a few "Canon" moments (don't have a Kodak camera anymore...)

After supper we watched movies on TV and hung out. Chris went to bed at nine-thirty which was just after Cooper did. Carter went to bed at or just before the same time. Now it's my turn. SNL is just starting but I'm toast. Gonna try to take Carter to church in the morning and leave Cooper at home with Daddy this time. We'll see.


Blogger Angie said...

Hey girlie poo--

I will try to get on sometime later, and chat. things are, let's just say "interesting" here at our house.

Miss you......Angie

Sunday, November 12, 2006 5:04:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blogging Melly! TFS - Love Helen

Sunday, November 12, 2006 10:40:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you inspired me. . . we fed Caroline hot dogs last night. She devoured a half a wienie, too.

Good times. Really good times.


Monday, November 13, 2006 10:56:00 a.m.  

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