Mellykat's Blog!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

It's Not Like I've Been Too BUSY To Blog...

Okay. It's Sunday. Let's recap everything since Wednesday. I actually did a draft blog post and made notes each day so I'd remember what to write when I actually felt motivated enough to blog.

Thursday morning...Mom was doing her volunteer work at the hospital Oncology unit. She stopped by to visit then she had a lunch date. She came back after lunch to babysit so I could go out and run errands.

Chris came home and left again right away to go to the shop and clean his truck. We had pizza pops for supper. Ooooh how fancy. Ha. "Earl" and "ER" were reruns so that was a bummer. Carter for some reason decided to forego his nap so he went to bed just after seven. I knew I was in for trouble because of it. I figured he'd get up and party around eleven, but he slept through the night still.

Sure enough, Friday morning they were both up at five thirty. Up to stay up. Crikey. Eventually I got them both to go to sleep and I had a little bit more shut-eye then I was ready to officially face the day. Deidre popped by to borrow a Halloween costume for Connor to go to a party, and Uncle Cliff stopped in to bring over their playpen for us to borrow for Cooper. (Thank you!) The babysitter wants to use it for Cooper's naptime when we start going there.

It was the day to visit the babysitter again, and this time leave the kids there for an hour. She's an awesome babysitter; I can already tell. She thinks of everything. I dropped them off after lunch and went to my eyebrow appointment.

I had to deposit a cheque in the bank, so I quickly parked kitty-corner from the bank in a non-parking spot. I figured I'd just run in to use the ATM and run back out. The very millisecond I shut the door I realized I didn't have my remote to unlock the door. Or my cell phone. Just a cheque and my bank card. Shit. So I still went in to the bank to do my banking business, and borrowed a phone to call Chris at work to come and do a drive-by to unlock the doors. He was there quite quickly and mocked me a little as he drove by and used his remote to unlock the door. As I reached to open the door, he locked it again. This has happened before. Only once or twice since we got a vehicle with the remote for the doors, but many many many a time before that. I used to do it so often, that I carried two sets of keys with me and I still would lock myself out. I gave keys to all my family members in case of locking myself out. That was before the cell phone days, so it's gotten a little easier. Plus I'm not as much of a dork anymore, believe it or not. I used to do it so often that I figured I should get "frequent-idiot" points from the locksmith and get a freebie after a few times. Anyhoo, luckily he came to my rescue quickly and I didn't add a parking ticket to my moron list of things to do for the day.

I wasn't sure if the babysitter would charge me for the trial period, so I got the idea to go to Safeway and pick her up a case of Kraft Dinner. I figured she must serve it at least once a week. So I brought it over and both boys were fine when I arrived and all went well. Carter was building a train track and didn't want to leave. Sure enough, she wasn't going to charge me so I gave her the KD.

Because of the delay due to locking myself out of the Jeep downtown, I didn't have time to run to Wal-Mart. So I braved taking both boys there. I had to pick up a snowsuit for Cooper. They don't have a great selection, and it's the only place to buy kids' snowsuits in this town. They did have a cute "Tigger" one that I picked up. I'm not sure if I like it yet; it seems to get in his face at the top of the double-zipper.

Both boys fell asleep in the Jeep on the way home and I didn't want to wake them so I drove around for awhile. I stopped to visit Chris at work and brought him a coffee. We finally went home and Tracy called me just as we were arriving at home. I sat in the driveway and talked to her for about twenty minutes. I brought the boys in the house and Carter stayed sleeping but Cooper wanted to party.

Chris came home from work and we had moose sausage and baked potatoes and veggies for supper. We watched the premiere of "Las Vegas" then the movie "The Break-Up" with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughan. It was okay. Maybe a little better than okay but mildly annoying. The cast made it as good as it could be. This time Carter went to bed very late.

Saturday morning Chris got up at his usual early time for work, but instead of work he was going hunting with Neil and Nick, two of his work buddies. He was gone all day and part of the evening. Unfortunately they didn't get a deer, but Chris said he's never walked that far in his life. That's probably true. I can't get him to walk anywhere with me!

We had a few visitors throughout the day; Dad, Cindy and all the kids, and Mom. All at different times. Chris came home around seven. Supper was a mishmash of stuff I found in the fridge. Chicken salad sandwiches, chips'n'salsa. Nothing major. Chris was very tired from all that fresh air and walking, and fell asleep pretty early on the couch. I was tired too, and after doing a couple scrapbooking pages, I fell asleep on the couch watching Saturday Night Live.

This morning, (TIME CHANGE!) even after putting the clock back an hour, there wasn't enough time to do something with my hair and get ready for church. Yesterday I had a shower and intended to colour my hair, but ended up not doing anything with it and it dried on its own very fuglily. (new word!) So I still look like a grody hag and with Cooper napping I don't dare redo my hair and risk waking him with the hair dryer. Chris and Carter are downstairs playing a new playstation game that Chris borrowed from Greg. We're going to Deidre & Greg's house for supper today; I'm going to scrounge around for something to bring or make or bake for dessert.

Whew. Caught up again. I just can't go that long without blogging or at least making notes so I can catch up. I'll actually try to blog again this evening so I stay on track. I'll post some more scrapbook pages later too. Y'all have a great Sunday!


Blogger Angie said...

When you leave a blog entry like that for me to read, it's like I was never out of town at all.

BTW - my computer went all wonky on Friday night, and I never touched it again.

Mark's still battling with the other computer. .. .you gotta love technology!

Love you, girl!

Sunday, October 29, 2006 9:02:00 p.m.  
Blogger Helen said...

So Melly....I want to know where I can sign up for those "frequent idiot points" also have to introduce me to moose sausage one day LOL and finally you put your clocks back? We put ours forward - now that has really stuffed things up !?!?!?#@$@#@$

Cheers :)

Sunday, October 29, 2006 9:16:00 p.m.  

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