Mellykat's Blog!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My Very Own Personal Psychotic Episode

Friday started out as quite a lovely one. I got the boys up, ready, fed and dressed. I made it to work early. Kelly brought me a French vanilla cappucino and my day started rocking. Mom called close to lunchtime to say she was having lunch with her sisters and I should join them.

I had to run home at lunch to print something. This is where I got all psycho. The dude with the backhoe that had removed the tree came back. He had said he would to bring some "black dirt" to fill the hole where the tree was. Well his pants are on fire... he brought some icky lumpy heavy clay and filled in a square patch.

But that wasn't the worst part. He drove on the lawn again with the backhoe and the ruts are now twice as deep. And muddy.

I was pissssssssssssssssssssssed offfffffffffffffffffffff. I don't usually get mad about anything but call it hormones or the moon phases or whatever but I felt angry. I hate feeling like that. I called our friend that wanted the tree and tried not to sound bitchy but I described what the dude did. He said he'd take care of it and that the guy would be back to fix it.

I feel so badly that he is dealing with this just for an apple tree that the dude almost destroyed when he got it to his house. Oy. So what was the best part of our lawn is toast. Just so we thought we could be nice and give someone our tree that we didn't really want anymore but didn't want to destroy.

So, I left all pissy and fuming and went to have lunch with my Mom, two of my aunts and my sister, who called me in the midst of my rant and met up with us there. I had a lovely and very therapeutic lunch. The rest of the afternoon at work was fine and I picked up the boys after work. We came home and Chris arrived awhile later. I went to get Happy Meals for the boys and Chris and came back to get ready to go to Bingo with Kelly. She came back to the office this afternoon and we made an impromptu date.

Sadly, we didn't win anything but some lucky bastard won over $15,000.00 for ONE LINE. That should have been us, but good for the dude. I came home and both kids were asleep. Nice! As a last ditch attempt to win something, I checked our lottery numbers and went to bed.

This morning the boys were kind enough to let me sleep until about seven-thirty. Not bad; I had a good night's sleep. I got them breakfast and had a shower and the boys actually have been playing nicely for the most part. Here is a picture of the boys - Carter was sort of reading a story to Cooper and Cooper sat on Carter's lap. Carter asked me to get the camera and take a picture! So I ran for the camera and took about ten pictures of total sweetness.

I heard something outside and looked out to see a dump truck dumping a pile of black dirt (yes, actual black dirt) near the street on our lawn. And leave. So I'm guessing we have some landscaping to do... ::sigh:: ("We" meaning Chris...)

Now I need to go iron my hair because it's all frizzy and witchy. Putting on my face will help in the overall appearance of me. I'll be back later to share some cool fun things I made in Photoshop this morning.


Blogger Angie said...

I'm so sorry. . . ."house" stuff can be so frustrating.

I'm sorry about BINGO, too. Wouldn't $15 grand have been fun?

Saturday, June 16, 2007 1:48:00 p.m.  
Blogger Helen said...

Oh dear! Great photos....though! Bad bingo...bad dirt....but happy boys! On weekends we all sleep in until 9am! Yey! Last night I put Katie to bed at 7:30pm and she just got up at 9am now! Gotta love that!

Saturday, June 16, 2007 6:25:00 p.m.  

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