Mellykat's Blog!

Monday, June 02, 2008

So Much to Say - So Little Oomph

Blah Blech Hmph. No we haven't heard anything from the police, and the scene of wandering out to that empty parking spot is never a moment from our minds.

I had to make an insurance claim for my stuff, and I have to order a replacement laptop so that they will pay me for the first one. Great. So I'm out the price of not one laptop but two, before they pay for the first one. I'm sort of happy I'll have one again, but I couldn't get the same model since technology changes so quickly that I'll be a bit whiny about it if it doesn't look the same. Fortunately I got almost the same computer and the wonderful sales guy gave me the identical price of the first one. As for the other stuff I have to receive paperwork from the insurance company and make a list of the other lost items.

The weekend was pretty decent! The weather is starting to act spring-like. On Saturday evening we went out for supper with Chris's Dad and his lady friend. The boys were pretty good at the restaurant, and the usually-shy-with-new-people Cooper was ALL OVER her. It was very cute how he flirted with her and she got him to eat all his supper! Bizarro. We had a lovely visit and dinner and then we went to DQ for ice cream. Carter and I walked home and Cooper went with Chris.

On Sundae (oops I'm thinking about ice cream again)...on Sunday, Chris went fishing with a couple guys from work. I was all about lying around feeling icky and lazy (hindsight tells me it was Aunt Flo rearing her ugly head but I hadn't realized it was already June!) Chris came home in the afternoon and occupied Cooper outside while he was cleaning fish. Yes, he brought home some fish! Mom called at quarter to five to see if we wanted to come out for steaks. I'm so glad she called. I instantly snapped out of my funk and we got ready and headed out. Dad barbecued some beauty steaks and we had tossed salad and I brought some coleslaw. We also had baked potatoes and garlic bread and pan-fried mushrooms. I gorged myself, particularly since I'd scarcely eaten all day. The boys ate a bit and had a good time playing outside on the deck on the trikes Mom and Dad keep there for them.

After supper Auntie Lurdes and Uncle Cliff came out to visit. Auntie Lurdes was having the same kind of day I was so we commiserated a little and had a great visit. We brought the boys home and everyone went to bed early. Over the weekend I did some grocery shopping and replenished my make-up kit since that was one of the items that disappeared last week. I bought all the same stuff and ended up with a cool new mascara. Mom hooked me up with a makeup bag since I have one somewhere in the house but only God knows where it is at this moment.

Today was a busy busy workday. I finished up month-end and fielded 982345987 calls for things I couldn't help people with since the appropriate staff aren't in this week. I received a call from the insurance dude who is going to send me paperwork. We had fresh, never-frozen pan-fried walleye for supper, lightly-breaded with kernel corn and fried potatoes with seasoning salt and onion. Yum. Carter ate a bit of fish and Cooper ate a bit of nothing. Good thing I recall Carter going through a liquid-diet phase or I'd be really worried. Carter is still growing like a weed with Cooper quickly following his footsteps so all seems well.

After supper, Cooper and I went for a walk with Kelly and her puppy Radley. We walked past a couple car dealerships, but her heart really isn't into looking for a new vehicle yet. Especially since there is still a chance that hers will turn up before the two-week waiting period. We're so curious to know what happened to her vehicle and if it does turn up what kind of shape it will be in. She was told a worse story today by a lady she knows that I feel compelled to share...

So the people have their vehicle stolen from a parking lot much like Kelly's situation. The next day, the vehicle is returned to the exact spot it was taken from, completely unharmed! In the vehicle are two concert tickets for a concert event that hadn't happened yet. The people thought of it as an act of good faith since the people had stolen the vehicle and for whatever reason returned it. So, they go to the concert and return home only to find their house EMPTY. Oh my God. What a horrible set-up. Note to self: Even if people return your stolen vehicle, it doesn't mean their intentions are any better than when they took it in the first place! So we officially found out it could be worse. Oy vey.

I cuddled up with Cooper until he fell asleep. Carter climbed up to his bunk and I tucked him in. I'm about ready to crash too. (I haven't even begun to catch up on blog reading except I noticed my picture on Miss Mint's blog preview in my blog viewer...looks like I won a $10 gift certificate for a picture I submitted. Fun!) I sure hope I can find something to wear tomorrow 'cause I have a mountain of laundry that is taunting me all the way from the basement. Tomorrrrrrow, tomorrrrrrrrrrooooowwwwww I'll wash ya tomorrrrrrrowwww. You're only a day aaaaaaaawayyyyyyyyyyyy. (and I'm outta here!)


Blogger Angie said...

Well, I keep hoping that each day is better than the one before it.

We're home. . phew! She's still coughing, but she's doing some better.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008 7:20:00 p.m.  

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