Day Two of Continuing Awesomeness
This morning I pressed the snooze button about seventeen times too many. Chris got me up at almost seven-thirty. I dragged my sleepiness out of bed and started to get ready. The boys got up and had breakfast and Chris helped get them ready and dressed. I had a terrible hair crisis this morning. Usually I put my hair in a ponytail in the morning and my hair is the last thing I do. When I took out the ponytail for the requisite freshening up with the hair dryer, all hair broke loose. I'm not sure what was happening, but I ended up resorting to wearing my hair in a ponytail for the day. Ew. It was not a good hair day.
I got the boys to school with enough time to spy on Carter for a bit. I went straight to work and instead of having any commercially brewed coffee, I opted to make a mug of green tea. It's been ages since I did that. I want to switch to that as a habit again! When we got in the Jeep this morning the kids commented it was stinky in there. I didn't think much of it until I went to get them out of the Jeep at school and discovered much to my horror and dismay that there was a sippy cup with a slow leak upside-down on the back seat in between the kids' booster seats. EW. During my lunch hour I came home for a bite to eat and donned my rubber gloves to tackle the stink. I scrubbed the seat with Windex and Mr. Clean. Then it smelled like puke and cleaning products in there. EW still. I ran a couple errands downtown before returning to work, including a brief soujourn at Starbucks. Oops. I didn't mean to have that caramel macchiato. Really.
The afternoon went by quickly and the next thing I knew I was picking up the boys. The Jeep smelled fine by this time but I still sprayed some foaming hand sanitizer on the seat hoping to freshen it up some more in there. Once it dries it should be fine. Diane had called me earlier to let me know they had boneless, skinless chicken breasts on sale at Safeway so I stopped to see Chris at work and he took Carter home. Cooper wanted to go with Daddy too but I talked him into coming with me by tempting him with riding in the 'truck' grocery cart. I picked up a few value packs of chicken along with some potatoes and fruit and we were on our way home.
I got Chris to barbecue a few chicken breasts I had marinated in salad dressing. I baked the potatoes and steamed some corn on the cob. We also had an awesome bag salad that came with dressing and nuts and dried cranberries. Delish. It was an awesome supper. Cooper started acting like a little turkey at the supper table and I started to clue in that he must be getting tired. Once he had a bath and got in his jammies he mellowed out. Carter had a bath next and I was thrilled and amazed when Cooper was asleep just after eight. Carter stayed up awhile longer. He really wanted me to print him a golden ticket like in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. I made one in PhotoShop ages ago for him but the printed copies I gave him were long since destroyed. I printed him a new one and he fell asleep holding it.
Tomorrow is Cooper's first day of school. I've been telling him that even though he goes to the school for the whole day, that was his day care and now he'll be going to school. I can't wait to see him check out his classroom for the first time. I'll be taking more pictures of his first day. We seem to have a few 'first days' but it's all in the way they stagger the entry to school for the little ones. I'll be sure to put in a report of how that goes!
I got the boys to school with enough time to spy on Carter for a bit. I went straight to work and instead of having any commercially brewed coffee, I opted to make a mug of green tea. It's been ages since I did that. I want to switch to that as a habit again! When we got in the Jeep this morning the kids commented it was stinky in there. I didn't think much of it until I went to get them out of the Jeep at school and discovered much to my horror and dismay that there was a sippy cup with a slow leak upside-down on the back seat in between the kids' booster seats. EW. During my lunch hour I came home for a bite to eat and donned my rubber gloves to tackle the stink. I scrubbed the seat with Windex and Mr. Clean. Then it smelled like puke and cleaning products in there. EW still. I ran a couple errands downtown before returning to work, including a brief soujourn at Starbucks. Oops. I didn't mean to have that caramel macchiato. Really.
The afternoon went by quickly and the next thing I knew I was picking up the boys. The Jeep smelled fine by this time but I still sprayed some foaming hand sanitizer on the seat hoping to freshen it up some more in there. Once it dries it should be fine. Diane had called me earlier to let me know they had boneless, skinless chicken breasts on sale at Safeway so I stopped to see Chris at work and he took Carter home. Cooper wanted to go with Daddy too but I talked him into coming with me by tempting him with riding in the 'truck' grocery cart. I picked up a few value packs of chicken along with some potatoes and fruit and we were on our way home.
I got Chris to barbecue a few chicken breasts I had marinated in salad dressing. I baked the potatoes and steamed some corn on the cob. We also had an awesome bag salad that came with dressing and nuts and dried cranberries. Delish. It was an awesome supper. Cooper started acting like a little turkey at the supper table and I started to clue in that he must be getting tired. Once he had a bath and got in his jammies he mellowed out. Carter had a bath next and I was thrilled and amazed when Cooper was asleep just after eight. Carter stayed up awhile longer. He really wanted me to print him a golden ticket like in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. I made one in PhotoShop ages ago for him but the printed copies I gave him were long since destroyed. I printed him a new one and he fell asleep holding it.
Wow....just read your last 5 posts. Man, you must be fast at typing. I thought I read half a book. :~)
Awesome updates Mel...and I love the banner. Very original. Special family photo, colors, textures and some kick ass fonts. Cheers. :~)
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