Mellykat's Blog!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Fever Pitch

It's been a feverish week around our house this week. The kids were coming down with a cough. A fever has accompanied both their colds. Carter hasn't missed any school; presumably since he seemed to have every possible ailment when he was littler, it's now Cooper's turn to be a walking inferno. For the past couple days I've been alternating the Tylenol and Advil to keep the fevers under control. Cooper likes to drink water, so he seems to be keeping up his fluids. The ibuprofen I picked up tonight worked like magic on Cooper. He said he's not sick anymore and he's being a little goof playing on the computer. Carter went to sleep awhile ago.

Now let's see. It's been way too long since I blogged again. On the weekend Chris and I went to a Queen tribute band with Kelly and Doug and Ben. They were really good! We had a good time. We had taken the kids to Mom and Dad's house while we were at the concert.

On Sunday Kelly and I took a drive to bring some friends to Winnipeg to catch a flight. It was just a quick day trip but we did stop at Chapters to spend the gift cards we each had. I picked up a few gifts and books for the kids. We picked up drinks at Starbucks and headed out to pick up our next passenger, a daughter of one of my coworkers who needed a ride back home.

The weather was cold all day but the highway was bare and dry all the way there and back, which made for smooth sailing! We were gone exactly eleven hours. Kelly bought me a book at Chapters, called Anybody Out There by Marian Keyes. I started reading it that evening and got in a hundred pages before I was falling asleep. The next evening when we came home I picked up the book again and didn't put it down until I had read the remaining five hundred or so pages. It's so rare I read, particularly because once I get into a book I don't want to stop reading.

On Tuesday evening, Chris's Dad offered to treat us to supper. We tried the new pasta dishes they have at Pizza Hut. I've always loved their chicken pasta alfredo, so that was the one I had. It came with cheesy breadsticks and we ordered a Caesar salad. Good stuff. I actually came home for lunch yesterday to eat some of the leftovers!

I went to the hairdresser today. It was supposed to be for a cut and colour, but my nasty grey roots were getting so out of hand on the weekend I coloured them, thinking my appointment was still at least a couple weeks away. I changed the appointment to just a haircut. Chris picked up the boys and came home. Cooper was looking pretty rough when I got home. It wasn't time for more medicine yet so I gave him a warm bath. Once he had the Advil it took awhile but he's back to his old self for the time being.

This post title also reminded me of Jimmy Fallon. I love all things Jimmy Fallon and saw a little of his show last night. I'll be watching it more if I can manage to stay up late more often!


Blogger Angie said...

You did good, girl. It's good to see you on here again.


Thursday, March 05, 2009 10:45:00 p.m.  

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