Mellykat's Blog!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Here Comes Melly Claus

Yesterday, Chris had to work his usual day. I got up with the boys and Jason got up too. We all got ready and went out shopping just before lunchtime. We went to Canadian Tire and Wal-Mart. Every place is a nuthouse. If it weren't for Jason, I wouldn't have gotten everything on my list accomplished if I had to take the kids with me. I also had an eyebrow wax appointment and Jason stayed in the Jeep with the boys so that made it quick and easy.

We came home and both boys were asleep. Carter stayed napping awhile but Cooper didn't stay out. Jason even squeezed in a nap. Chris came home from work and he and Jason went shopping for ::ME:: They came back and Jason went to his friend's house. I did a bit of grocery shopping and came home. Both the boys were asleep when I got back. We had a couple turkey sandwiches then I quarantined myself in my bedroom to wrap presents. Oodles of them. Ugh. I worked for almost a couple hours then I had to quit. Of course just as I was deciding I'd had enough and was ready for a good snooze, Cooper got up.

I fed him some cereal and a bottle of milk and he cuddled up to me and went back to sleep. Jason came home and I put Cooper back to bed and I zonked. Until about six this morning when I heard Cooper squawk. He went back to sleep right away. Everyone got to sleep in after that until about 8:30. Except for Chris, who had to work from eight 'til noon today.

Chris came home and after he showered, I took off for some last-minute shopping. I think I'm done. If not, I'll just give out I.O.Us for Christmas and do the shopping later! So now I have at least another hour of wrapping ahead of me.

For supper I made a soft taco bake...two of them actually. Take the round tortillas and lay them in a round cake pan. cover with browned ground beef with taco seasoning in it and cheese. Make four layers ending with ground beef and I covered it with grated cheese and baked them for about 15 minutes. Served with salsa and/or sour cream. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

So now I'm just lounging for the evening. I figure as soon as Cooper goes to bed I'm a goner too. Merry Christmas-Eve-Eve!!!


Blogger Angie said...

whoo hoo. . .lovely blog entry, if I must say so myself.

I have a recipe similar to your soft taco bake -- called an enchilada pie. I'll copy you the recipe, and send it one of these days. TRES YUM!!!

Happy Eve Eve.....

Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:53:00 p.m.  

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