Angel En-''counter'' - EDITED!
I'd like to start out with today. Work has been insane. I have been helping set up for a big three-day workshop. Tomorrow is the last day. I came home from work today with the kids and once Chris got home I started to notice a couple things out of place in my kitchen. Out of place, but tidy. Like a t-shirt that I had haphazardly thrown on the counter in my haste to leave this morning...was folded neatly on the counter. There was a stack of clean bowls on the dishwasher. I had to ask Chris if he put them there. Nope. Then I saw the sink. I mean, I saw it! This morning it was full of icky dishes because I hadn't finished emptying the dishwasher last night. Both basins were empty and SHINING. By this time I figured out what had happened, particularly when I recalled spotting my Mom's car here this morning when I was on my way over to bring the coffee break snacks to the conference. I thought it would just be Dad stopping by to fill up some water jugs. But what a nice surprise! My dear sweet Angel Mommy did a little Fly-Lady action in my kitchen. And it was so appreciated.
The other day I picked up some tenderloin steaks on sale at the grocery store so we had them for supper today. Chris did a fabulous job of barbecuing them while I made baked potatoes. The boys ate a little bit and I thoroughly enjoyed mine.
This evening I continued with a monstrous project for work that I cast upon myself. We're having an all-staff conference next week and I volunteered myself to make nametags for everyone. No, not just our office, but all the offices. I'm a masochist. Including our board, there will be about 160 nametags. And of course, so far I've almost finished half of them and they are all different. I'm sure I'm going to crash and burn and start reusing the designs, but I really have enjoyed making each one unique. I also will be doing a presentation at the conference that grew into something way bigger than I thought it was going to be. So I'm a tad anxious about that too.
So let's see. What else is going on? Carter went to a birthday party on Saturday, and Kelly had a garage sale that morning. I was hoping to be of help to her at the sale, but having the kids with me made it a bit limiting. So I tried to make myself useful by going to get some change and feeding her and Sharon some breakfast. Carter had a great time at the birthday party. We had a fairly quiet weekend. One of the highlights was Cindy's call to tell me not to go camping on a specific weekend next August. Because she is getting married that day. Woohoo! Sweet news.
Edited to add: My sweet mother reminded me (see in the chatbox in the sidebar!) that while I took Carter to the birthday party, I brought Cooper to her house. That was what made everything else feasible! Oh, and on my way back to the birthday party from bringing Kelly and Sharon some breakfast, I was following this 'dick' down the street.
I took the boys to church again. This time the boys were a little antsy but generally well-behaved. I'll have to bring a couple more things to amuse or bribe them with, and maybe some little non-messy snacks too. Ever since the first time I took them in this new attempt at going weekly, both boys want to go to church every time we drive past it. Which is cool.
After church I had a little rest once we got home from breakfast. Chris joined us for breakfast with the aunts and uncles. In the afternoon I participated in the AIDS Walk for Life. I didn't collect pledges this year since I had already canvassed everyone I know when I rode the Big Bike for Heart and Stroke, but I made a pledge to someone else and participated in the walk. I brought Carter with me and pushed him in the stroller. The weather was perfect for it. Nice and cool but thankfully not raining.
Since I last blogged I've had a couple successful trips to Bingo. Last week I won a hundred fifty that I split with Kelly. This week I won a two hundred fifty dollar game but there were two other winners then Kelly and I split. I won again; this next time it was a hundred bucks but again there were two other winners. But it's always nice to get some back at least! I'm not sure when we'll get to go again with the conference being next week.
So that's about it for my catch-up. Carter is enjoying school and Cooper wants to go too. Work is insanely busy for both Chris and me but all is well. And I close with a request for prayers for my ill friend Nancy whose condition is now terminal. Chris and I took the boys out for a visit to her house last week and she was bright and cheerful as she always has been. We had a wonderful visit and I'm glad for it. She had to be taken to hospital as she now needs more care than home care could provide. So please say a little prayer for my friend. Peace out y'all.
Okay I realized that because it's been a forever since I blogged I actually had done a couple more scrap pages so I'll share those before I go and CRASH!
The first two are from the new NDISB collab kit called ''Naturally Eco''
These next two are from Christy Sturm's new ''Harvest Moon'' kit coming soon to NDISB!